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  • Name: Pastor Smith
    Date: Monday, March 24 2014 - 12:45 PM

    Comment: Hello from Pickens, SC. I am the pastor of Glassy Mountain Baptist Church. I was visiting your site and wanted to share our webpage with you. Our site is located at and we would love a reciprocal visit and a guestbook sign in. While you are there visit the “Pastor’s Desk” page and comment on the current topic. Also take a look through our “Church Signs” link as well. Serving in Grace, Pastor William B. Smith III

  • Name: Denise
    Date: Friday, March 28 2014 - 12:27 PM

    Comment: Bro. Scott love the new updates you are making!

  • Name: Denise Kennedy
    Date: Friday, March 28 2014 - 1:23 PM

    Comment: Like the updates you are making to the church website

  • Name: Robert Rogers
    Date: Sunday, March 30 2014 - 11:50 PM

    Comment: The Blood Moon's teaching was very interesting, I think a Church that preaches bible prophecy is rare and prophecy is a very important part of a Christian diet so to speak it keeps us living for the Lord, serving Him.

  • Name: Roger Settle
    Date: Wednesday, April 2 2014 - 1:12 PM

    Comment: Great memories and blessings when I think of you all.

  • Name: Alicia Jones
    Date: Monday, June 16 2014 - 9:32 AM

    Comment: Hello, I am from Sayers Classical Academy. I have tried to call several times and I guess your answering machine may be off as I could not leave a message. Trying to find out about gym space starting in July 2014. I can be reached by e-mail-we have used your facilities in the past and would like to use them again if possible. Would be very grateful for a response. Thank you so much!

  • Name: Scott
    Date: Tuesday, August 12 2014 - 5:32 PM

    Comment: I am thankful to God for this website as an outreach tool for the ministry here at Victory Baptist Church. I have been so blessed the (14) years that I have been attending Victory!!

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